Kudos to Northampton County PA for Its resolution questioning the I80 rockfall mitigation project at the Gap. See I80 coalition announcement attached.
Also below are invitations to two upcoming Zoom events you may wish to join. One sponsored by the Delaware River Greenway Partnership the other by the Kingwood Twp. Environmental Commission
March 15th 7 PM Via Zoom: Land Use Change on the Fringe-A perspective from a Delaware River Tributary Join us on an exploration of how glaciers, mountains, gorges, mud, and swift moving water historically affected transportation, industry and agriculture “up river” on the Musconetcong, and how those same geographic features influence life today. A virtual lecture by Dr. Alan Hunt, Director of Policy and Grants, Musconetcong Watershed Association. A Delaware River Heritage lecture. Free preregistration required: |
Sponsored by: Delaware River Greenway Partnership